Your support helps us care for 850 acres of Buffalo’s Olmsted Park System
Over 150 years ago, Frederick Law Olmsted was engaged to design a park in the City of Buffalo. Instead, he imagined a new urban landscape – the first of its kind in the nation – a city within an interconnected system of parks, linked by tree-lined parkways. Support from the community is crucial in ensuring that the Conservancy has resources to sustain Buffalo’s Olmsted landscapes for future generations.
Are you interested to join the Olmsted family as a corporate sponsor, donor or volunteer? Click the button below to learn more.
Special thanks to our 2024 supporters
With year-round support from
Help sustaining the parks that are sustaining you!
From adopting a park feature to sponsoring an event, there are several ways to support your Buffalo Olmsted Parks! Visit our Corporate Sponsorship page or reach our to Tori Claflin, Director of Development: Tori@bfloparks.org or call (716) 838-1249, ext. 22.